Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Flourless Nutella Mug Cakes

Recently, I bought the largest bottle of Nutella spread from NTUC because I remembered coming across a recipe online that only requires 2 minutes in a microwave to make a mug cake.
I've always thought that cakes are meant to be baked.

I came home and googled "Nutella" and "microwave".
The search engine showed me various cooking/baking blogs that have Nutella mug cake.
This was when I realized the flour I have at home is spoilt. ):

I went ahead with my mug cake with this recipe - Flourless Nutella Mug Cake.

Ingredients you'll need:
  • 2 tablespoons Nutella (Scrape off all the Nutella or the cake would have a strong egg taste. I used 2.5 tablespoons)
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 1/4 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1 tablespoon heavy cream (I used cooking cream for this)
  • 1 egg

This amount is enough to make just 1 cup cake.

Mix all the ingredients in a mug and whisk until smooth, especially the Nutella. It tends the stick together due to its texture.

Microwave it for 1 min 15 secs to 1 min 30 secs.
If the cake is still gooey, microwave for another 10 secs.
(Do not exceed 2 minutes in the microwave).

It's really interesting to see how the cake rises in the microwave in that mere 1 min.
Don't worry about the cake rising too quickly. It will fall back once the time in the microwave is up.

My mug of Nutella goodness.

It looks really gross here because the sides all are dirty and my cake hasn't really set in.
But trust me, it's really good. 
It's similar to the lava cakes we have outside, except that it's a lot simplier to make.

Try it out and tell me how yours taste!

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